Wattawatta !


duhhh, long time didnt update this fcuking blog.
urmm,nothing much to say. just wanna say, whats up?

kinda bored with school. seriously. ermm. actually, there is something on my mind to share this story,but. told ya,laaay-zzz.

oh yeah, errr, aaaa? hoi !
have u ever heard of radiohead?
if u havent,u should. i cant get it off my playlist !

mmmm, last 10th april was my birthday. i only got 1 present. and a special one. the only one. one and only. satu dalam sejuta. one in a million..(errrr) thxx! appreciate it soooo muchh. even my family didnt give anything ! pheww.

arghhh! gotta tell u this..

on 26th of May,my family are going to Bali ! except ME! Me ! me !
this is all because of exams. arghhh.. HOME ALONE 7. hoping for school got burnt,yeah! Nahhh,just kidding..

Soooooo sad,sooooo not fair.. But, what can i do. I'll just accept this as a challenge in life..
Think thats all for now. Watching Selangor VS Kelantan, hope they wont make any riot.hehe. Byeeee.. 1,2,3,4.


Anonymous said...

haha. kesiaan.

DN said...

i told ya already.
let mama write to the principal.
it's BALI, not banting (haha).
you really wanna stay at home alone?
bet mama won't let you!

The NabilNabil said...

ohh she will ! guest so. naaah,its okay(definitely not!)

A little bit of Nabil's life